Movie Story
Two adult siblings, stuck in their parent's house and with their memories about them mirrored in a picture frame, are trying to keep their existence alive through a ''sacred rite'', the satisfaction of their basic needs regarding food and bathing (catharsis). Stuck in their golden family cage, confined prisoners with their senses at their peak, they console and they are being consoled, faithful at their ''rituals'' that modern life nowadays is lacking of because people live a time-pressing life. In a classic urban house that has an intense imprint of decay, the two siblings take care of each other in the same way as the young mammals, that is with love, with violence and with shame.
Director: Andreas Papadopoulos
Writer: Andreas Papadopoulos, Caterina Stathopoulou, Antonis Voultsos Damoulakis
Producers: Andreas Papadopoulos, Caterina Stathopoulou, Antonis Voultsos Damoulakis
Key Cast: Caterina Stathopoulou 'Sister', Antonis Voultsos Damoulakis 'Brother'