Movie Story
During World War II, a young Greek soldier, Stelios, hungry and impoverished by the war, wanders with a young Italian, Mario, on the side of a mountain in Montenegro. When they find a sack of potatoes on their way they will do everything to feed their bony bodies.But things get tough when a German captain, Max, just as hungry, a few mice, and a Serbian soldier, Zlatan, find themselves on the road, desperate for some food and ready to fight for the potatoes. And when the instincts of survival break out, then the real battles begin. Or do nationalities no longer matter then, nor does the language and the war of the people end?
Director: Στρατής Πανούριος
Production company: ANAV PRODUCTIONS, ΕΡΤ Α.Ε.
Producer: Νίκος Βασιλόπουλος
Co-Producer: Aδαμαντία Φυτιλή
Writer: Στρατής Πανούριος
Director of Photography: Νίκος Βασιλόπουλος
Montage: Περικλής Ηλιού
Sound Engineer: Γιώργος Καρτάλος
Sound Designer: Γιώργος Καρτάλος
Set Designer / Costume Designer: Διονύσης Ξαξίρης
Make-up artist: Χριστίνα Δρακάκη
VFX: Γιάννης Ντουσιόπουλος
Music: Alexander Spitzing
Πάρης Αλεξανδρόπουλος, Στάθης Κόικας, Ανδρέας Λαμπρόπουλος, Αρίων Πανούριος, Διονύσης Ξαξίρης, Στρατής Πανούριος, Βρανάς Γκρέκας, Μάρκος Δεληγιάννης, Κωνσταντίνα Ζαγάρη, Άρης Μπολιουδάκης, Γιάννης Οικονομίδης.