Movie Story
Anna, a lonely and quirky supermarket cashier, is forced to take under her protection the ten-year-old girl in the next apartment, after the mysterious disappearance of his father. At the same time, she is negotiating her possible dismissal and a romantic romance for the first time in her life. And all this under the influence of an excessive amount of Cosmic Candy, the candy that pops in the mouth.
Director: Ρηνιώ Δραγασάκη
Production company: Βlonde, Εx Νihilo, Faliro House, ΕΚΚ, ΕΡΤ
Producer: Φένια Κοσοβίτσα
Co-producers: Patrick Sobelman, Χρήστος Β. Κωνσταντακόπουλος
Writer: Κατερίνα Κακλαμάνη, Ρηνιώ Δραγασάκη
Director of Photography: Χρήστος Καραμάνης GSC
Music: Felizol
Montage: Πάνος Βουτσαράς
Sound: Δημήτρης Κανελλόπουλος, Milk Audio, Simon Apostolou
Scene designer: Σταύρος Λιόκαλος
Art Director: Πηνελόπη Βαλτή
Costumes: Άλκηστη Μάμαλη
Makeup: Ιωάννα Λυγίζου
Special effects: Γιώργος & Ρούλης Αλαχούζοι
Visual effects: Γιάννης Αγελαδόπουλος / Kinematic
Cast and crew:
Μαρία Κίτσου, Μάγια Πιπερά, Κίμωνας Κουρής, Δημήτρης Λάλος, Δημήτρης Δρόσος, Φώτης Θωμαϊδης, Εύη Δοβέλου, Elena Mirtchofska, Αντώνης Τσιοτσιόπουλος